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Can you explain your return policy?Updated 4 days ago

You can request a return label here

Elegible items can be returned within a 100 calendar days window. The 100 days start from the delivery date. We do not accept returns after this time frame.

Return has a flat cost of 4.99 plus shipping fees. If you do not pay for shipping, then you will only be charged the 4.99 fee.

When you submit the form, this information goes automatically to our shipping partners who print the label. To avoid extra charges, do not submit more than one entry in the form.

Return labels will expire on the seventh day and then an additional label will be necessary in order to return the purchase. This label has an additional cost of 4.99, to avoid extra fees be sure to return within the appointed time.

It takes our shipping partners a few weeks to review all returns, because of this the refund might take up to 30 days to be processed. 

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